Author Archives for admin

Seven Ways to Optimize Your Business Blog

July 17, 2015 3:11 pm Published by Comments Off on Seven Ways to Optimize Your Business Blog

The nature of blogging has changed significantly over the past decade. A blog is no longer just a way to share a recipe or express personal opinion – it has become a tool for professionals to help their businesses. With the advent of online marketing, businesses and news organizations have seized the opportunity to make [...]

Why You Need Positive Reviews for Your Business

July 1, 2015 7:38 pm Published by Comments Off on Why You Need Positive Reviews for Your Business

Nearly 70 percent of internet users read online reviews when researching businesses they are considering working with. Furthermore, 79 percent of consumers trust online reviews almost as much as personal recommendations. In other words, if positive online reviews about your business aren’t readily accessible you’re missing out on business. So how do you actually get [...]

Affordable Responsive Websites for Small Businesses

May 29, 2015 10:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Affordable Responsive Websites for Small Businesses

If you’re shopping around for a new website these days, you may notice one phrase over and over: responsive design. But what is responsive design, and how does it help your website? Fluid Like Water Think of water. Water takes the shape of its container. If you pour it into a cup, it becomes a [...]

What is DNS Propagation?

May 28, 2015 7:27 pm Published by Comments Off on What is DNS Propagation?

After weeks of careful planning, coordination and revisions, your new website is finally finished. You excitedly type your site name into the address bar of your browser and…nothing. Your old site is still showing up or the site is missing altogether. What gives? If you’ve recently approved to have your website go live, it has [...]